Share my journey as I to delve into the events and experiences of Carl and Nila Enerson.
Carl and Nila were my parents, years gone from us. Not a day goes by without me hearing their voices in my daily life. Forever they will live in my heart.
I'll call them here by their names as this is their story. My goal is to paint a picture of two people I grew up knowing and loving but knew little of their lives in Central Wisconsin where they both grew up.
For years it has been my desire to put together a visual story of their early lives. My focus is on events leading up to, during, and immediately after World War II. It is also my desire for this effort to be preserved in a format that will endure here and in the memories of those who pass it on.
The action takes place primarily in Central Wisconsin in two communities: the rural community of Arkdale, WI in Adams County and Kilbourne City, later known as the Wisconsin Dells. Both communities are found on or near the banks of the Wisconsin River, East of La Crosse and North of Madison. From these everday places in middle America, Carl is taken through school, the

rigors of combat training and then far from hearth and family to the war raging in Europe. Nila remained faithful and found herself in Milwaukee and La Crosse and as a Blue Star Wife and like millions of other women, she kept the home fires burning.
My continuing research includes newspaper clippings, photographs, census and geneology records, military archives and historical sources. I gathered information from various people and organizations knowledgeable of Arkdale and The Dells, the war, and events of the time. I also recall in the coming pages, the oral history relayed to my siblings and me from both Carl and Nila. I only wish I had taken better notes and that the notes I did have were not lost to floods and hurricanes.
So this is their story, pieced together with the reverence and respect for two people who lived, worked and loved with a passion known only to them. With this, I have grown to know them in a way I never thought possible.
My research includes other sources to help bring this story to life. The icons below identify various topics of interest. When you see these icons throughout, you will find links and other information relative to the subject such as music and films of the day. I have found various samples and present them here to add some sights and sounds of the era. Listen to the music heard over the radio, phonographs and jukeboxes across the country. Let them take you on a journey to a different time. Watch previews of the films Carl and Nila may have seen. There are reviews and other items of interest.
There is an icon for the best sellers of the day which may have sat on a table or nightstand or tucked in a knapsack or under an arm. If the book is still in print, I have included a source in case you want to pick it up one day for a good read.
There are snippets of world news, archival information from newspapers and stories passed down verbally as an oral history. I've even included examples of contemporary art. All these are vestiges of the past I hope will evoke the feel of the world around Carl and Nila during these pivotal times.
There is a link to a reference page located here identifying the sources of information. If I used a resource and did not give credit, it is not by deliberate omission. I endeavor to give credit where credit is due.
Be sure to visit the blog which is linked at the top right as well. Sign up and keep up on changes as they happen. Research will go on as this site grows and history is uncovered.
On The Radio

World News


At The Movies


Oral History

Best Sellers